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Schlumberger PIPESIM 2022.1.700

Schlumberger PIPESIM 2022.1.700

Schlumberger Pipesim provides stable multiphase flow modeling for oil and gas production systems. A single Schlumberger Pipesim module is used for many analysis studies, such as oil well modeling, mechanized production optimization, pipeline and process equipment modeling, and oilfield development planning. Schlumberger Pipesim is a set of modeling modules for the development, design and operation of oil wells, pipelines, facilities and networks. These modules can be integrated to build a complete production system model, from an oil field to a central distribution point, as well as special modules used to optimize the entire oil field scale and oil field development planning. Schlumberger Pipesim is a part of Avocet Integrated Asset Modeler (Avocet IAM) oilfield integrated modeling solution, which integrates mineral reserves, oil wells and production equipment models, collection, preparation, processing and financial economic models into a single production asset management system.

Main specifications:

-Multiphase steady flow modeling;

Rapid concept research;

-Calculation of pipeline and process equipment;

-Calculation of required pipe diameter;

-Model sensitivity study and optimization;

-Ensure the flow of high-precision hydrothermal model;

-Flow mode, hydrodynamic blockage condition and scraper cleaning effect analysis;

-Equipment size calculation;

-Calculation of insulation characteristics;

-Calculate well models included in the same model.

Equipment model:


-Multiphase pump;

-Compressors and pressure reducers;

-Heating and cooling devices;


Advantages of PipeSim software:

-Simulate various fluid collection networks, pressurization systems and trunk pipelines.

-Well modeling and well pressure and temperature loss calculation.

-Modeling and calculation of various mixtures, including viscous and highly viscous oils.

-Use Open Link technology to provide a wide range of automation capabilities.

Product:Schlumberger PIPESIM 2022.1.700