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HONEYWELL UniSim Design Suite R490

HONEYWELL UniSim Design Suite R490

Honeywell Forge Process Simulation

UniSim® Design|UniSim Design Suite

UniSim Design is the core steady state flowsheeting environment. It provides an intuitive and interactive process modelling solution that enables engineers to create steady state models.

UniSim Design is a powerful technology that enables decision makers and engineers to link critical business objectives to process design, by:

  • Utilizing the same technology and process model throughout a plant asset lifecycle by different functions and for multiple purposes.
  • Ensuring process equipment is properly specified to deliver desired product throughput and product specifications.
  • Performing ‘what-if’ scenarios and sensitivity analyses to identify the optimal design based on operating and business targets.
  • Evaluating the effect of feed changes, upsets and equipment downtime on process safety, reliability and profitability.
  • Improving plant control, operability and safety using dynamic simulation.
  • Monitoring equipment/plant asset performance against expectations.


Product:HONEYWELL UniSim Design Suite R490