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DecisionTools Suite Industrial 8.0.1

DecisionTools Suite Industrial 8.0.1

DecisionTools Suite is software for decision management and risk analysis in work and operational projects developed by Palisade. No matter what industry you work in, this software helps you to make confident decisions. With DecisionTools Suite, you can assess and quantify project risk and optimize your decisions. It has tools for Excel and Microsoft Projects and allows you to do spreadsheet analysis.

DecisionTools Suite plays an important role in enhancing the quality of decision making in projects and helps teams think more clearly, act decisively, and make decisions easier. The software has various tools for Monte Carlo simulation, forecasting and statistical analysis, decision trees, predictable neural networks, advanced optimization, and information search and mental map. You can also use this software in financial and cash flow analysis, multistage decision modeling, resource optimization, and corporate risk management.

Features and Features of DecisionTools Suite:

  • Monte Carlo simulation with @RISK
  • Increase project decision quality with PrecisionTree decision trees
  • Sensitivity analysis with TopRank
  • Prediction and statistical analysis with StatTools
  • Predictable neural networks with NeuralTools
  • Advanced search and information search with Evolver
  • Monte Carlo simulation and optimization with RISKOptimizer
  • Financial analysis and cash flow
  • Multistage Decision Modeling
  • Resource Optimization and Risk Management
  • Synchronize with Excel and Microsoft Projects


Product:DecisionTools Suite Industrial 8.0.1