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Visual Numerics PV WAVE Product Family 9.0 数据可视化分析

Visual Numerics PV WAVE Product Family 9.0是一套以数组为导向的程序语言,用来开发数据可视化分析应用的工具。这些开发出来的应用程序,可以让使用者计算分析从简单到复杂的数据,透过可视化工具,让使用者从影像中找到数据的形状、趋势、不规则性以及其它过去可能被忽略的信息。 PV-WAVE 同时提供了强大的影像以及讯号处理工具、数据输出入、3D 绘图、趋势图、直方图、等高线图、动画、调色盘以及数据库连结应用等工具。这些方便使用且有弹性的数据分析以及可视化工具,让 PV-WAVE 成为许多专家的最佳选择。

::::::English Description::::::

The PV-WAVE Family of products, which includes PV-WAVE, TS-WAVE, and JWAVE, provides software developers with the tools needed to efficiently and accurately meet data analysis requirements. PV-WAVE solutions allow users to rapidly import, manipulate, analyze and visualize data.

The PV-WAVE Family includes robust time series analysis software as well as the ability to share analysis results across the enterprise with a Java™-based solution. Unlike other products, PV-WAVE Advantage includes a sophisticated set of analysis routines based on the industry-standard IMSL Numerical Libraries.

PV-WAVE 9.0’s new features include:

  • IMSL® C Library version 5.5 and 6.0 Integration – Access to many new algorithms including Auto_ARIMA forecasting and neural network engine for data mining and forecasting
  • OpenMP support for Windows XP – Offers higher performance for PV-WAVE array operations on Windows
  • Fast Radial Basis Functions — New interpolation algorithm that accommodates very general datasets
  • Eclipse Plug-in – Allows users to leverage the Eclipse open source integrated development environment (IDE) for development and debugging, and enables new users to more quickly become proficient with PV-WAVE
  • Additional Platform Support – Provides users with additional options for using PV-WAVE in different hardware and software environments including Oracle (Linux 32 and 64 bit, Solaris 64 bit) and Windows XP 64 bit

product:Visual Numerics PV WAVE Product Family 9.0 数据可视化分析