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Schlumberger ECLIPSE v2022.2

 Schlumberger ECLIPSE v2022.2

Release updates

Improvements to the CO2STORE Thermal option

  • The minimum temperature limit for modeling thermal CO2 storage cases with implicit CO2 solubility in water has been lowered from 12 degC to 1 degC. This feature enhances modelling of scenarios such as the detection of hydrates due to Joule-Thompson cooling and is available for CO2 storage in saline aquifer scenarios. Reporting and debug mechanisms for these situations have also been improved.
  • A facility to report grid blocks where hydrate formation conditions exist has been implemented for CO2 storage in saline aquifer scenarios.
  • Reporting for water-based quantities has been improved for isothermal CO2STORE and GASWAT models.
  • The robustness of historical water injection rate controls with isothermal CO2STORE and GASWAT models has been improved.
  • The message and warning system for these workflows has been improved.

Updated Intel MPI

  • new version of Intel MPI (v2021.4) is now included and is recommended for use with modern hardware configurations. The previous version (v2018.1) is also included and retained for use with legacy hardware configurations.

Additionally, for ECLIPSE 100 simulator

  • Handling and reporting of parallel partitioning when user-specified input is inconsistent with grid conditions has been improved, along with its reporting.
  • Reporting for end-point scaling inconsistency in parallel models has been enhanced.
  • Global-local transmissibility calculations with explicit provision of local grid transmissibilities has been enhanced, including an option to support cases where nonzero transmissibilities are set at the positive faces of local grid refinements (LGRs).
  • It is now possible to default the local grid name when requesting LC summary keyword output. Validation of this option has also been made more robust.
  • The P/Z summary keywords can now be used in models with depth-dependent initial temperature.

Finally, for ECLIPSE 300 simulator

  • Checking and reporting for invalid temperatures when the KVCR or KVCRWAT keywords are specified has been improved.
  • The BTEMP summary vector has been extended to report meaningful temperature values in isothermal cases.
  • Table value checking reporting has been revised to include the violated limit.
  • Enhancements were made to the documentation for use of summary keywords with a component index in user defined quantities (UDQs).
  • Update of group rates and totals for complex control structures has been improved.
  • Validation of user-supplied parallel partitioning has been enhanced.

Product:Schlumberger ECLIPSE v2022.2