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Trimble UASMaster 12.2.0

Trimble UASMaster 12.2.0

UASMaster is one of Trimble’s UAS processing software solutions. UASMaster is engineered based on the wellestablished Inpho advanced aerial photogrammetry suite. It offers fully automatic geo-referencing, point-cloud generation as well as ortho-mosaic generation including refinement and editing tools for all deliverables as well as basic mapping and value adding functionality (e.g. point cloud classification).

High quality and efficiency products in UASMaster

True-orthophotos in this version can be generated in full resolution quality. The overall mosaics are with more homogeneity and balanced radiometry. The new version of UASMaster delivers a cleaned-up final mosaic by automatically generating a borderline, if not pre-defined. Furthermore, the quality of true orthophotos of highly distorted images is increased, by selecting the best part of the image in orthophoto generation.

UASMaster version 12 offers higher quality in 3D meshes with more sharpness on the edges, as well as enhanced texture on the model. Furthermore, the reduction of triangles in the multi-resolution geometry helps to produce more efficient 3D models for better streaming and optimized data storage.

product:Trimble UASMaster 12.2.0