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Synopsys Custom WaveView vS-2021.09

Synopsys Custom WaveView vS-2021.09


Custom WaveView ADV is a netlist-based debugging environment for SPICE
and FastSPICE simulators such as HSPICE, FineSim and CustomSim. Custom WaveView ADV is also tightly integrated with Custom WaveView, enabling waveform cross-probing. Together, these tools aid designers in rapidly performing customized advanced analyses in a highly-productive design debugging and

waveform analysis environment.

Custom WaveView ADV Design Browser

The Custom WaveView ADV Design Browser allows quick access to the most
complex hierarchy design data with complete design and file display. The Design Browser will import a netlist and allow traversing of the design hierarchy, display signal and element list, and tracing connections contained in the hierarchy. These views, shown in Figure 1, work in concert to provide rapid access to all of the contents of the design hierarchy. In addition to displaying the design hierarchy, the Design Browser will also display the associated file hierarchy containing the design.A powerful search function allows the user to find design components in the hierarchy based on string, signal, instance, and module names.

Figure 1. Custom WaveView ADV’s main window concisely presents hierarchy,
netlist, connection and linting data for easy analysis and debug

2DebuggingSourceView and ConnectionView

The SourceView and ConnectionView shows the contents of the SPICE netlist and creates a visualization of
the connections contained within the netlist (see Figure 1).


The SourceView displays the hierarchical content of the SPICE netlist, allowing the designer to query the
contents of a design or cell. Selecting a subcircuit in the SourceView displays the contents of that subcircuit as well as displaying the interface pins and netnames, and parameters in the ConnectionView.


The ConnectionView creates design connectivity visualization of the object selected in the Hierarchy Browser.
Included in the diagram are the name of the object, its terminal names and the nets that connect to it. In the case of subcircuits, the internal netnames are also displayed, making it easy to follow nets up and down the hierarchy through subcircuit boundaries. CustomWaveView ADV’s Net Tracer can also be used to follow changing net names with ease through the design’s hierarchy.

Signal Tracing

Signal flow can be traced in both SourceView and ConnectionView. In SourceView, the statements
representing a selected net are highlighted and can be traced subsequently. In ConnectionView, devices or subcircuits connecting a selected signal are displayed and new connections can be displayed for pins/ports of the connected elements.

SPICE Lint View

Custom WaveView ADV’s SPICE Lint View performs user-selected compatibility checks that can be used to
verify that the netlists being simulated conform to the proper syntax before wasting time on a long simulation before finding a problem. These checks are performed automatically as the netlist is read in with all errors or warnings being flagged in the SPICE Lint Window as well as the corresponding net and device being displayed in the SourceView and ConnectionView.

SPICE Syntax Rules

Checks for basic SPICE netlist syntax and structure errors such as: missing or redundant END statements,
missing or mismatched model device names, missing ground nodes, invalid signal names, etc. Over 40 different syntax and structure checks are performed.

Connection Rules

Finds and flags problems with floating nodes or blocks, global nodes that are not driven by any source,
DC-floating MOS gate and nodes, dangling element terminals, and floating transient sources. This helps the designer to deliver a quality netlist to the simulator of choice.

Parameter Passing and Parameter Rule Checks

Parameter passing rule checks verify that all passed parameters are properly defined before use and properly
passed through the hierarchy. Parameters that are redefined or recursively defined are also found.The parameter rule checks also finds and flags parameter values that are set above user definable thresholds. This includes looking for element parameter Negative capacitance/resistance, out-of-range element values and sizes, non-positive subcircuit multiplier and PWL stimuli statements with sharp

product:Synopsys Custom WaveView vS-2021.09