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ERDAS IMAGINE 2020.v16.6

ERDAS IMAGINE 2020.v16.6

ERDAS IMAGINE performs advanced remote sensing analysis and spatial modeling to create new information. With ERDAS IMAGINE, you can visualize your results in 2D, 3D, movies, and on cartographic-quality map compositions. Optional modules (add-ons) provide specialized functionalities to enhance your productivity and expand capabilities.

ERDASIMAGINE 2020 performs advanced remote sensing analysis and spatial modeling to create new information that lets you visualize your results in 2D, 3D, movies, and on cartographic-quality map compositions. This full installer includes:

Selected Highlights

  • Additional Machine and Deep Learning classifiers are available as Spatial Model operators, enabling data-driven prediction and decision making.
  • ERDAS IMAGINE interface now runs natively in 64-bit, enabling all embedded components such as the 2D View and Spatial Model Editor to leverage more of your available system memory and CPUs.
  • Grey-Level Co-occurrence Matrices (GLCM)
  • Direct-write to BigTIFF and read of Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG)
  • ImageChain printing
  • Optimal Seamline generation in MosaicPro

product:ERDAS IMAGINE 2020.v16.6