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PaleoScan 2019.1

PaleoScan 2019.1

PaleoScan™ add-on modules propose a suite of applications derived from the geological model but also based on quantitative interpretation.

The Advanced Interpretation module builds a chronostratigraphic framework to transform seismic data in the Wheeler domain, to delineate stratigraphic sequences, automatically extract geobodies and build interactively a watertight model for geomodeling applications.  Color blending tools, combined with spectral decomposition, are available to characterize sedimentary deposits as well as structural event through volumes and horizons.

The Time-Depth module includes all the standards tools to perform seismic to well tie (sonic calibration, wavelet extraction and synthetic seismogram generation), with a forward modeling workflow to compute a synthetic model in real time for better constraining such a complex process. It offers an interactive velocity model generation and depth conversion tools.

The Properties Modeling module offers in a very interactive environment various methods  to rock type information coming from the well/logs within the model, from the simple interpolation to more complex kriging techniques, and therefore to precisely predict rock physics property distribution.


Well CorrelationWell Correlation


3D Geomeodel3D Geomodels

Paleoscan overview



Add On Time-Depth

Add On Properties


Add On Advanced


Add On Data Link



product:PaleoScan 2019.1