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ProSim Plus v1.9.20.0

ProSimPlus is a process engineering software that performs rigorous mass and energy balance calculations for a wide range of industrial steady-state processes. It is used in design as well as in operation of existing plants for process optimization, units troubleshooting or debottlenecking, plants revamping or performing front-end engineering analysis.
Brochure Evaluation

Comprehensive set of unit operations including complex models

Powerful thermodynamic package able to model highly non-ideal systems and a wide range of applications.

Unique graphical user interface allowing instant usability, convenient drawing of the flowsheet and quick access to results.

Open system to expand capabilities (user defined unit operations, Visual Basic scripting, CAPE-OPEN thermo and unit operation interfaces…).

Solution widely used by world\’s leading oil, gas, chemicals and engineering companies.

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The Premium Alternative in Process Simulation

ProSimPlus is a flexible process engineering software that performs rigorous mass and energy balances for a wide range of industrial processing plants.
It is used in design as well as in operation of existing plants for performance optimization, units troubleshooting or debottlenecking, plants revamping or for front-end engineering analysis.

To design more competitive units, to operate very integrated processes closer to their limits, to face new regulations (environment, safety …), engineers cannot be satisfied with simple models anymore. They need a powerful but easy-to-use tool to simulate the behavior of their plants, to quickly test new configurations and to get the optimal solution without necessarily being a modeling expert.

ProSimPlus answers to these requirements with an environment that is convenient, easy to use, technically complete and numerically efficient.
Product:ProSim Plus v1.9.20.0
Size:197 MB