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SeisWare v7.4

What\’s new in SeisWare 7.4?

Sessions – Save Basemap, Seismic Viewer and 3D Visualizer displays
Well caching – cache wells once for quicker access in 64 bit projects
Merge culture – create single layers from culture imported and created in different stages
And much more…

For a full detailed presentation on What\’s New in SeisWare 7.4, click here.

The new functionality and enhancements in this version build on an already strong foundation.

Fault interpretation
Spectral Decomposition
Semblance Calculator
SEG-Y calculator
Cross plotting
Seismic zone attributes
Interactive synthetics
2D and 3D auto pickers
Log signatures on the maps
Automatic mistie incorporates 2D/3D/synthetics and jump ties
PETRA(r) data import and export

Link to ESRI shapefile or SDE layer
Time to depth interval velocity method
Custom coordinate system
Cross correlation & advanced cross correlation (pseudo facies analysis)
Coordinate conversion utility
OpenSpirit link to access data from multiple vendors
Automatic mistie analysis
Grid and horizon paint brush smoother
Data pipeline – enhanced data transfer from various applications
Proportional time slices
OpenSpirit link now supports seismic data transfer
product:SeisWare v7.4