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Roxar Irap RMS 2009.03 WIN64

Roxar ASA (Oslo Børs: ROX), a technology solutions provider to the upstream oil and gas industry, today announced the release of RMS 2009.03, a completely redesigned version of its industry leading reservoir modelling solution IRAP RMS™.

RMS2009 provides users with a brand new and modernised user interface which resembles familiar, everyday software applications. The new user interface has further increased the usability of IRAP RMS™ and, as a result, dramatically reduced the learning curve for new users of the software. In addition, with new technologies and increased functionality, RMS 2009.01 enables users:


To quickly and easily update facies and petrophysical models based upon new data or interpretations, in contrast to traditional methods which would involve a re-running of all or part of the model. This is accomplished without breaking history matching as only local adjustments are made. This highly innovative technology substantially increases the flexibility offered by IRAP RMS™, as frequently noted by customers, who are now able to continuously keep their reservoir models up to date.

To access super quality structural modelling tools for both simple and complex structures, reducing the time required to build models (especially larger ones) and resulting in higher quality grids for reservoir modelling and simulation. Hundreds of faults can be modelled in minutes with all geometries permitted, and yet, the workflow is simple and easy to learn.

To benefit from improvements to real time geosteering and monitoring in IRAP RMSthat allows users to import real time data, compare the model with the well being drilled,  and potentially make better decisions while drilling.

Users will also enjoy increased data importing functionality with a standardised import dialog, which provides a vast array of import format options. This makes the task of importing data much simpler and faster. This includes new bulk data import features which make it easier to import a lot of data in a single operation.

Product:Roxar Irap RMS 2009.03 WIN64