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Schlumberger GeoFrame v4.5 FOR LINUX

GeoFrame Geophysics
New ideas combined with tested workflows for achieving positive results.

The GeoFrame integrated reservoir characterization system delivers the tools needed to increase productivity and efficiency in seismic interpretation work. With the GeoFrame Geophysics modules, all of your prestack and poststack seismic interpretation tools are integrated in one database, allowing you to do more in less time.

Integrated to the core, GeoFrame projects are all multi-user to enable synergy between team members. You can also capture knowledge of the exact interpretations made at any stage during a field\’s life cycle.

Charisma seismic interpretation software is part of the GeoFrame integrated reservoir characterization system. It is specifically designed for 2D, 3D and 4D seismic interpretation, with integrated modules including ASAP, Variance Cube, InDepth and SeisClass, along with the traditional 2D & 3D interpretation modules.

* Multi-user environment, all interpreters – Geophysicists, Geologists, petrophysicists, and engineers can access the same project data
* Handles 2D/3D and 3D/3D projects
* Handles multi-z valued horizons and faults
* Calculates map and vertical attributes on the fly
* Processes post stack seismic data
* Handles both depth, time, and velocity seismic representations
* Integrated tightly with the depth conversion toolkit, InDepth
* Integrated tightly with SeisClass which is used to calculate seismic and reservoir
* Integrated tightly with Variance Cube which is used to calculate variance of seismic data for detailed structural and stratigraphic interpretation and detection
* Integrated tightly with GeoViz where visualization and interpretation of geophysical data can be carried out in a 3D canvas
* Uses multi-color and multi-frame windows to display sections and maps
* Handles horizontal and upturned wells
* Handles grid manipulation and mapping interactively
product:Schlumberger GeoFrame v4.5 FOR LINUX