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Now built on our Unified XAML Product Strategy that shares a common API
across Silverlight 4 and WPF 4, high performance NetAdvantage for .NET:
Silverlight controls for Line of Business deliver your users everything you
need to quickly and easily create great user experiences. Couple that with
the fastest Silverlight data grid control available on the market today with
unrivaled UI virtualization for blazing speed that\’s faster than the
competition in common business scenarios (see the whitepaper for a peek at
this advanced technology) and you already have a robust toolbox for creating
killer Silverlight apps that just got better from its greater parity with
our WPF toolset.

Our Silverlight controls leverage the best styling capabilities, including
Visual Studio 2010 and Expression Blend support, Rich Internet Application
(RIA) services and styling support, and next generation UI from the business
logic empowering you to create Killer Apps.
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