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ESSS Rocky DEM 2023 R2.0

ESSS Rocky DEM 2023 R2.0
ESSS announces Rocky 2022R2, the new release of its best-in-class multiphysics particle simulation software. This version delivers new SPH-DEM functionality and offers new capabilities and enhancements to further improve usability and performance.

The official release of the native Smoothed Particles Hydrodynamic SPH-DEM coupled solver kernel offers solutions for industrial applications involving slurries and other types of solid-liquid free-surface flows. The solver can also take into account heat transfer exchange between fluids, particles, and boundaries and is native to both multi-GPUs and multi-CPUs.

For simulation of complex concave particles, 2022R2 extends the unique capabilities of the Particle Assembly model to create a single particle from combination of multiple particles with different material properties. Each sub-particle can have its own shape and its own stiffness, friction, heat conductivity, etc. This functionality enables simulation of many discrete parts for manufacturing. For example, many electrical component assemblies are made of different materials, such as plastic, rubber, and metal and they can be modeled in a real way with Rocky.
Product:ESSS Rocky DEM 2023 R2.0