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Multiframe CONNECT Edition V23.06 Update 6

Multiframe CONNECT Edition V23.06 Update 6

The MAXSURF development team is pleased to announce the release of Multiframe CONNECT Edition V23.06 ( This solution helps structural experts check the structure of their vessel to comply with class requirements and optimise it for strength and weight. It can be used for deck grillage, frame, superstructure and mast strength calculations.

Multiframe CONNECT Edition V23.06 Readme – Date: 16 December 2022

The following sections describe the changes which have been made to the Multiframe modules.

Compatibility with Previous Versions

Multiframe data files are forward and backward compatible between most versions of Multiframe. Where backward compatibility has been broken, the option to export to earlier file formats is provided in the new version.

Directory Structure

The main application executable files, manuals etc are installed in the root level of the folder selected for the installation. Folders containing sample models are also included. Some additional files are installed under the "Public Documents" folder. These include the libraries used by Multiframe

Changes: All Applications

1030397: 4-Digit Major versions

The first 4 digits of the software version number are now considered to define the software major version. This means that MAXSURF 23.06 is a new major version and can be installed alongside MAXSURF 23.

1140519: Microsoft Windows 11 support

MAXSURF has been verified for use on the Microsoft Windows 11 operating system. Windows 8 is no longer supported.

990106, 989794: Ideas

Product:Multiframe CONNECT Edition V23.06 Update 6