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Bentley SYNCHRO 2022

Bentley SYNCHRO 2022

Synchro Pro was originally developed by Synchro Ltd in 2018. It was acquired by Bentley Systems. The purpose of Synchro is to prepare a construction project plan (4D) based on geometric design data and information from other applications. Synchro Pro also allows project control, price analysis, and budget execution tracking (5D).

Until recently, everyone believed that the 3D model was the answer and solution to all problems, but there were still many conflicts in the project implementation process, the plan was inconsistent with the facts, and the report was not timely and accurate. Therefore, you must spend time, money, and materials to fix things that can be prevented at the design stage.

Bentley Systems\’ Synchro Pro software solves this problem by allowing you to integrate out of the box 3D object models into your environment and complement them with visual calendars and network graphics. Using the 4D model, tracking the execution of the fact plan becomes very simple. In an intuitive model, the planned and mastered quantities, the delivery date of materials and equipment, the location of equipment units and personnel at a specific construction site in a specific period of time are displayed. All these allow rapid identification of space-time conflicts and take corrective measures to effectively manage the construction process.

The latest update we can\’t wait to know is that Bentley System brings Synchro Pro to the construction site. Now we can discuss the quality control process management. This is possible by integrating visual planning tools with building control tools.

Product:Bentley SYNCHRO 2022