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CODE V 11.2

CODE V 11.2

CODE V version 11.2 includes new solutions to increase optical engineering productivity, support cost-to-manufacture savings, and give reliable results in less time:

  • SpecBuilder improvements. The CODE V SpecBuilder feature helps designers easily track and communicate how well their optical system designs are meeting project specifications and goals. Version 11.2 expands the library of pre-built specifications based on Synopsys\’ optical engineering and industry expertise. New specs include detector energy, PSF-based encircled energy diameter, and PSF-based Strehl ratio. Additional updates include user interface controls to quickly create a series of optical specifications, or to duplicate a selected specification across zoom positions, fields, and defocus positions.
  • Enhanced optimization constraints. Already delivering the industry\’s most advanced optical design optimization capability, CODE V\’s Automatic Design feature is strengthened in this release with mechanical constraints that accept an optional overage scale factor and offset to define the physical edge with greater precision. The updated constraints give designers greater control over lens system manufacturability and are ideal for the design of compact objectives, as well as for any application where the volume of the optical system needs to be minimized.
  • Encrypted multilayer coating prescriptions. For project-critical optical analysis, especially when polarization is important, designers need to define actual multilayer coating prescriptions on their optical surfaces. CODE V\’s encrypted coating file format allows vendors to share coating prescriptions with designers for accurate analysis, while keeping proprietary coating data secure.
  • Asphere Writer utility. The Asphere Writer utility is integrated in CODE V and generates machine-readable files for aspheric surfaces that can be directly read by optical fabricators, including QED Technologies\’ optical grinding, polishing, and metrology equipment and Zygo Corporation\’s metrology equipment. The utility also has features for visualizing footprint plots, as well as plotting and listing sag departures.
  • New enclosed energy analyses. The CODE V suite of analysis functions now includes the ability to evaluate the energy that is enclosed within circular, elliptical, square, or rectangular shape detectors. Engineers can also determine the size of various geometries that contain a specified percentage of energy. The metrics can be used for analysis, optimization, and tolerancing of optical systems, and are particularly useful for the design of superior aerospace systems using pixelated sensors.
  • 2D-Q freeform surface formulation. The new 2D-Q freeform surface in CODE V, based on G.W. Forbes\’ formulation, has a best-fit conic base shape and a series of Q-freeform, or 2D-Q, polynomials. It is a powerful tool for designing lightweight and compact optical systems, such as head-mounted display devices for augmented and virtual reality.
  • Visualization tool for aperture components. The View Apertures (VAP) tool allows designers to see individual aperture components or composite apertures on any surface and is useful for visualizing optical systems with complex aperture shapes. It can be used with the CODE V Beam Synthesis Propagation feature to define apertures in a way that minimizes computation time.


Product:CODE V 11.2