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Graitec Advance Steel 2011

Perfectly embedded in AutoCAD®, Advance Steel accelerates the design phase (single or multi-user mode) by offering an extensive library of smart objects, automatic joints and specific tools for creating standard structures, stairs, railing and miscellaneous steelwork. .

Advance Steel automatically generates all workshop and general arrangement drawings using intelligent tools to automatically control dimensions and labels as well as all required.

Advance Steel is part of the GRAITEC structural BIM solution, automating the entire structural design process, from engineering design to detailing and fabrication.
All the tools are provided for fast and efficient modeling. Creating a precise model is important since Advance Steel will subsequently create all project documents (drawings, lists, NC files) from this model.

In the first step, Advance Steel provides the user with a large library of structural elements and design functions such as:

* Advance Steel : Steelwork – stairs, railings, ladders, etc. Common Industry Frames, Bracings, etc.
* Common Profiles
* Common Roofs
* Steelwork (stairs, railings, ladders, etc., including joints)
* Complex folded plates (e.g., conical or twisted)
* Welded, tapered and curved beams
* Plates management tools
The new Connection Vault has the following features:

* All connections in one place
* See connection previews with various possibilities
* Choose a connection and use it directly from the connection vault!

Advance Steel assigns automatic part marks. Through dialog boxes, the user can define the numbering prefix, method, starting number and increment. Advance Steel will then proceed to final checking: element collisions, tool access (buildability), and consistency of element marks (fabrication, delivery and assembly).
Joint designed with Advance engine.

Knowledge Engineering: Advance Steel integrates a new adaptive technology that automates and significantly accelerates joint creation. When creating a joint, Advance Steel analyses its environment and recognizes if a similar situation has occurred in the past. The software then suggests the optimal joint in the desired category while taking into account its structural integrity. (*Only available for certain types of joints and standards.)
Product:Graitec Advance Steel 2011