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GijimaAst mineRECON 3.0

Reconciliations need no longer be something you wish you had time to do, or that happens too late to be of benefit. Now you can reap the rewards of timely reconciliation. You will find the look and feel of mineRECON familiar, as it uses the intuitive, flow-sheet style user interface of mineCAD and Mine2-4D.
The system makes use of the same technology developed for the Leapfrog software, which facilitates the generation of closed solids from raw CMS data without the need for manual linking of “polylines” sections. This has the effect of dramatically reducing the time required to generate valid CMS solids.
Depending on your requirements, reconciliation reports can now also be automatically placed into Microsoft® Word or Excel.The mineRECON module is aimed at improving the reconciliation processes of underground mines by drastically reducing the time and manual nature of this difficult task.
Product:GijimaAst mineRECON 3.0