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Bentley PlantWise XM

Bentley  PlantWise应用程序能够应用管道设计标准,不断地创造出卓越的工程设计和经济实用的工厂布局。

::::::English Description::::::

Bentley PlantWise enables rapid creation of automatically piped 3D plant concepts for immediate collaborative review well in advance of detailing.

Its automatic routing and immediate costing of piping and steel makes possible early and real time what-if analysis of unlimited plant layout scenarios for ultimate plant optimization.

Automatic Pipeline Routing

  • Fast automatic routing (usually less than one second per pipe)
  • Quality autorouting based on pipers rules
  • Scales up to hundreds and thousands of pipelines while maintaining fast autorouting performance
  • Autorouting driven from process connectivity
  • Intelligent free-space autorouter avoids obstacles 
  • Smart on-pipeway autorouter knows about proper approach levels, routing plane turns, and berthing preferences  
  • Specialized structure autorouting knows about vertical pipeways, vertical chases, suspended pipeways
  • Autoroutes through obstacles from point cloud to support brown-field applications

Automatic Component Placement

  • Positions standard components such as tees, reducers, control valves, flow elements, and spec breaks
  • Selects proper tee type
  • User-defined parametric components available
  • Intelligently auto-places key components such as control valves and routes pipelines through them
  • Intelligently slides other components along the routed pipeline to satisfy spacing and orientation requirements

Pipeline and Component Manipulation

  • Manually adjust a pipeline route and freeze it
  • Manipulate part of a route, freeze just that part, and let PlantWise autoroute the rest of the pipeline to match
  • Manually position key components (e.g., control valves) and let PlantWise autoroute through them
  • Slide tees, reducers, and other components along the routed pipeline path

Parametric Equipment

  • Create complex equipment graphics from a few inputs
  • Simple geometry rules to build your own equipment types
  • Unlimited number of equipment items
  • Use your own previously created MicroStation equipment cells
  • Simple nozzle creation
  • AutoNozzle positions nozzles on equipment
  • Simple AutoNozzle placement rules
  • Manually place, override, or freeze any nozzle position

Parametric Structures

  • Build multisection pipeways and structures from simple dialogs
  • Multilevel pipeways with routing preferences by level
  • Change the number of levels along a pipeway’s sections
  • Change the alignment of pipeway sections
  • Add  vertical pipeways, suspended pipeways, and vertical chases to structures
  • Add stairways to structures
  • Control where floors can be penetrated by pipelines
  • Define special reserved spaces such as HVAC and fire suppression levels
  • Move entire structures by dragging a single element
  • Override the type and specific position of any structural element
  • Add bracing to structures according to standard patterns
  • Add your own structural elements to structures or pipeways

User Rules

  • Create your own Equipment Geometry
  • Create your own AutoNozzle rules
  • Create your own equipment-specific routing patterns
  • Specify your routing preferences for pipeline spacing, routing levels, reserved spaces, and much more

Integrated ReportWriter

  • Report on anything that you input or that PlantWise calculates
  • Customize your output for human readability or export to another program
  • Use simple spreadsheet-style formulas  to provide calculations
  • Total, subtotal, sort, and aggregate results
  • Produce summary cost reports using simple ReportWriter calculations
  • Report on selected components by MicroStation fence
  • Highlight reporting components in CAD
  • Built-in mass property calculations for weight, center of gravity, and moments of inertia of plant sections or entire plant accounting for empty/filled equipment and vessels, empty/filled pipelines, and structural members.


  • Produce labeled plot-plan drawings
  • Detached plan drawings for multi-level structures
  • Optionally include single-line representations of routed pipelines
  • Include your standard drawing symbols

Model Management

  • Model save includes only user input—results in very small save files measured in KB instead of MB
  • Save part of a model by category or fence
  • Merge multiple models into a new combined model
  • Compare the current model to previously saved versions
  • Save only changes made in the current model for updating shared base models
  • Simple import of process information and geometry from spreadsheets
  • Make large changes by moving, rotating, mirroring, copying, or deleting groups of equipment, pipeways, and structures.
  • Remember group composition for future group changes
  • Simple specification tables drive pipeline properties
  • Check equipment spacing against tables of required spacings by category
  • Visualize center of gravity of idle/processing plant


  • Equipment and Stream input from Bentley s AXSYS.Process
  • XMpLant output for complete model export to other plant design software including Bentley Navigator
  • APL (Alphanumeric Piping Language) output for PDS
  • FrameWorks structural output via .pml file
  • Easy ReportWriter links to in-house software

Product:Bentley PlantWise XM