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New Fujitsu CAChe Group Adds Product Engineers, Plans Major Enhancements; Oxford Molecular to Collaborate with Fujitsu on Transition and Product Development

London (March 21, 2000) – Fujitsu Limited (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 6702) and Oxford Molecular Group (London Stock Exchange: OMG) today announced an agreement for the acquisition of the award-winning CAChe® molecular modeling software line by Fujitsu Limited. The agreement will significantly enhance Fujitsu’s global capabilities in the life sciences and materials arena, while enabling Oxford Molecular to continue realigning its Software Solutions division’s product offerings to meet the needs of its core customers.

As part of the agreement, the two companies have also entered into a nine month joint development project that will produce the next generation of the CAChe software family.

Fujitsu and Oxford Molecular are now working to ensure a seamless transition for both existing and new CAChe customers in the scientific research and academic teaching communities. The newly formed Fujitsu CAChe Group will produce and distribute CAChe software to experimental chemists world-wide, with primary operations based in Beaverton, Oregon. Japanese sales and distribution, as well as localization for software, documentation and marketing, will operate out of Fujitsu Limited in Chiba City, Japan. European sales distribution and some development will be based in Fujitsu’s FQS Poland location in Krakow.