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Maxon bodypaint 2.5.2

Maxon BodyPaint 3D 是当前最为终极的 CG 创作三维纹理绘制以及 UV 编辑的解决方案之一,她的独创的 RayBrush / Multibrush 等技术完全更改了历史的陈旧的工作流。 Maxon 产品更有如下优点: 1、跨操作平台。这两款产品都能稳定高效的工作于 Win 平台和 Mac 平台; 2、多语言界面。无论是 CINEMA 4D 还是 BodyPaint 3D 都提供了 7 种语言的用户界面——当然,加上现在您看见的 Maxon 8.5 中文语言包,她将是支持 8 种语言; 3、开放式接口。对于产品本身,Maxon 为她们留下了开发接口,您甚至可以马上登陆Maxon站点免费获取这些开发文档;对于同其他程序的交互,CINEMA 4D 提供数十种可以导出、导入的格式,而 BodyPaint 3D 更提供了同 Maya、LightWave、3ds max 无缝协作的免费插件; 4、免费的技术支持。在 Maxon 的站点,您随时可以得到文字的或者视频的教程,要知道,这些都是免费的。 Layer set pass-through mode is now working (with 8,16,32 bit/channel). Rename layers by double-clicking directly inside the manager. [img][/img] Detach projection plane Switch on the detach projection plane option when projection paint is enabled: a red border instead of a green border appears around the view. Now you can switch cameras and your projection paint layer will not be applied. Back projection doesnt paint to disabled but to loaded materials. New commands: enable/disable all selected materials for painting. Full BP access through SDK! -> painttexture, paintlayer, paintlayerfolder, paintmaterial available in SDK. Projectionpaint now with layering. See layer manager. Gradient tool with 32-bit/channel can now draw gradients with an intensity greater than 1.0 Color palette gets the brightness slider back to get HDRI colors beyond 1.0. Pick color tool can pick HDRI colors.
Product:Maxon bodypaint 2.5.2