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launched its 2019 Geographic Calculator, which features a universal copy and paste function, a new angular unit conversion tool, support for NADCON 5.0 and updated seismic survey conversion functionality.

According to Blue Marble, the foundation of the Geographic Calculator’s geodetic data processing functionality is the embedded GeoCalc datasource, which is continually revised and improved with updates through the online GeoCalc Geodetic Registry. The datasource included in the 2019 release mirrors the most current EPSG database definitions.

The calculator’s copy and paste function can be used to quickly capture data for use in a third-party application or to insert new coordinate values in an existing job. The latest version also includes a new tool for accurately converting between various angular units and offers expanded seismic survey conversion capability with improved P1/11 format support and additional SEG-Y format handling for coordinate scalar values, the company added.

The 2019 Geographic Calculator also includes support for NADCON 5.0 from the National Geodetic Survey, providing 3D coordinate transformations within the National Spatial Reference System, as well as several new projection methods.

