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MathWorks MATLAB R2018b

MathWorks MATLAB R2018b
Language and Programming
Empty Arrays: Create complex empty arrays using functions such as zeros and ones
Code Compatibility Report: Generate compatibility report from Current Folder browser
timer Object: Access properties with multilevel indexing
Functionality being removed or changed
graph and digraph Objects: Work with multigraphs that have multiple edges between two nodes
graph and digraph Objects: Calculate component sizes and weighted adjacency matrices
GraphPlot Object: Visualize graphs with additional options for \’force\’, \’force3\’, and \’circle\’ layouts
polyshape Objects: Analyze polygons with turningdist, nearestvertex, and overlaps functions
polyshape Objects: Return vertex map and accept arrays with compatible sizes for intersect, subtract, union, and xor functions
polybuffer Function: Create buffer around points or lines
triangulation Objects: Find neighboring vertices and locations of query points with improved performance
ode45 Function: Solve nonstiff differential equations faster
Axes Object: View axes at small size with improved layout, limit selection, and font scaling
Axes Object: Map data values to colormap using linear or logarithmic scale
Legend Object: Create legends with multiple columns
heatmap Function: Zoom and pan data, display data tips, and sort rows and columns interactively
geobubble Function: Explore with interactive data tips and a scale bar​ ​
Axes Toolbar: Add toolbars to your axes for quick access to pan, zoom, and other data exploration tools
Property Inspector: Modify graphics interactively with an improved property inspector
Polygon Object: Control color and transparency of hole edges
Functionality being removed or changed
Data Import and Export
readtable Function: Specify the number of rows to read from a text file using import options
readtable Function: Easily manage prefixes and suffixes from data using import options
preview Function: Preview first 8 rows of a table in a file without importing the full table
imageDatastore Function: Work with millions of images with improved memory usage and performance
Datastore Functions: Seamlessly work with datasets stored on cloud and local machines
Datastore Functions: Read HDFS data more easily when using Hortonworks or Cloudera
readtable, detectImportOptions, datastore, and tabularTextDatastore Functions: Automatically detect and return duration data in text files
detectImportOptions Function: Control import properties of duration data
VideoReader Function: Read video files faster on all platforms
VideoWriter Function: Write video files faster on all platforms
openDiskFile Function: Read data files in FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) data format
webwrite Function: Support for NTLM authentication
Functionality being removed or changed
Data Analysis
Product:MathWorks MATLAB R2018b