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MAXSURF CONNECT Edition v21.10.00.39

MAXSURF CONNECT Edition v21.10.00.39
What\’s New in MAXSURF CONNECT Edition v21
MAXSURF Modeler – enhanced trimesh support
and surface meshing
Increase productivity with improved trimesh
creation for hydrodynamic and hydrostatic
Support for trimesh models (models containing
surfaces defined by a structured, triangular mesh)
has been greatly enhanced in this version of
MAXSURF. Quickly generate MAXSURF models
with trimesh surfaces created from existing
NURBS surfaces or point data. Use these models
for hydrostatic and hydrodynamic analysis in
MAXSURF Stability, Resistance and Motions.
Trimeshes can be easily regenerated if the basis
NURBS surfaces are modified; furthermore
manual refinement of the trimesh always ensures
that the nodes remain on the basis NURBS
MAXSURF Stability – time for cross-flooding
Verify compliance with IMO Resolution
MSC.362(92) by calculating time to cross-flood
A new analysis, following the procedure outlines
in IMO Resolution MSC.362(92)
Recommendation on a Standard Method for
Evaluating Cross-Flooding Arrangements,
been added to this version of MAXSURF Stability.
Cross-flooding devices connecting pairs of rooms
are defined for the model. The analysis takes an
initial damage condition and evaluates the final
cross-flooded condition, as well as the time to
achieve full cross flooding using the procedure in
MSC.362(92). Specify any number of intermediate
times, e.g. 60s and 600s, and the vessel condition,
including room flooding level, will be computed at
these time-steps. The analysis takes into account
multiple pairs of cross-flooding rooms, and
automatically finds the volume of cross-flooded
fluid for each pair of rooms at each time step.
View the vessel condition graphically at each
immediate time step, as well as pre and post
complete cross-flooding. Full vessel properties
including flooding volumes and centers are
tabulated for all the conditions.
Product:MAXSURF CONNECT Edition v21.10.00.39