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COSMOlogic TURBOMOLE 2016 v7.1 Win64

COSMOlogic TURBOMOLE 2016 v7.1 Win64
URBOMOLE – Fast and Robust Quantum Chemistry

For researchers worldwide, quantum chemical calculations are indispensable. With TURBOMOLE we offer a powerful, general purpose Quantum Chemistry (QC) program package for ab initio electronic structure calculations.

TURBOMOLE can help you to optimize and deliver the best catalysts for chemical reactions, understand and improve organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) or predict spectra as a general aid to compound synthesis and analytical tasks. It allows accurate prediction of properties such as conformational energies, cluster structures, excited states, transition states and dipoles which you can use in a broad variety of applications.
product:COSMOlogic TURBOMOLE 2016 v7.1 Win64