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What’s New in Tecplot RS 2016 Release 2

Tecplot RS 2016 R2 includes a number of new features, bug fixes, and usability improvements requested by our valued customers.
Quick Load Option

Engineers who use the Nexus (VIP) reservoir simulator have a quick load option. The quick VDB loading option makes it possible to skip certain types of data during the process of loading XY data. This should speed up data loading times across networks.
Tecplot RS 2016 R2

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Macro Debugger

Macro and scripting capabilities give users the ability to perform repetitive operations in one click. As macros get more and more complex, the risk of error in writing them increases. The new macro debugger in Tecplot RS steps through users’ scripts and helps them in quickly identifying issues.
Additional New Features & Fixes

Other new features include the ability to read nearest neighbor connections (NNCs) from Eclipse .init files, and the support by generic ASCII data files for network connections, connection lists, and nodes.