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DecisionTools Suite v7.5.1

DecisionTools Suite v7.5.1
Key Features Include:

New and Improved Tornado Graphs In @RISK
Faster Optimization with RISKOptimizer
Over 20 New @RISK Functions
Graphing and Reporting Improvements in @RISK
Optimized for Windows 10 and Excel 2016

Other Important Features:

Run Optimizations During Simulation Without Coding
New StatTools Analyses
Input Shading
We\’ve added a shading option to our Change in Output Mean Tornado graphs to have the ability to quickly see whether the input associated with each bar is high or low when the output statistic increases or decreases. In the example below you can see that when inputs such as Product Lifetime and Initial Unit Price are high, there is a positive impact on the net present value (NPV) of the project; when an input such as Initial Cost is high it will have a negative impact on the NPV.

A Tornado Graph with Input Shading.

Tornado Overlays
Do you have situations where you want to compare pre-mitigation vs post-mitigation on the same model? Or maybe you would simply like to compare the results of multiple simulations to analyze other strategies? You can now overlay multiple tornado graphs to make such comparisons easy to understand and communicate to others.

A tornado overlay graph showing the results of four @RISK simulations.

Contribution to Variance
@RISK\’s new Contribution to Variance tornado graphs will help you understand how much of the variance in the output variable is attributable to each individual input. There are options for displaying both the magnitude and direction of the bars, or just the magnitude. The former displays bars to the left and right of the centerline, depending on the correlation between the input and the output, while the latter displays all input bars to the right, so the contribution to variance can be more easily compared.

Contribution to Variance tornado graphs showing magnitude and direction (left) and just magnitude (right).
Product:DecisionTools Suite v7.5.1
Size:331 MB