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Ucamco_Integr8tor v2015.09 for win64

Ucamco_Integr8tor v2015.09 for win64
Integr8tor v.2015.06 builds on the industr

leading Integr8tor platform to deliver even
better functionality, performance and speed, confirming its status as the most powerful
sales and engineering server for the automatic input and pre

quote analysis of client

generated PCB design data.
One of t
he most important developments in Integr8tor 2015.06 is its increased support of,
and compatibility with, a wide range of data formats. Now, whether in colour or b/w for
better readability, PDF files can be generated faster, and more reliably and accuratel
y from
source documents in the popular .docx, dwg and dxf formats. The converted files remain
accurately faithful to the originals, with fully functional drop

down menus and checkboxes.
Integr8tor 2015.06 also offers broader drill support, allowing non

standard holes to be
identified automatically and processed accordingly. This includes countersink or
counterbore holes that are to be enlarged in a specific way, or holes that are to be filled
with resin or copper. In another drill

based development, v.20
15.06 is capable of
calculating how many pressing cycles a board will have to go through from the drill spans.
Both improvements ensure that, for every board being engineered, the processes needed
and potential production bottlenecks can be identified, cos
ted and calculated early, so they
are part of the quote preparation and delivery commitment process right from the outset.
Among the throughput

and quality

enhancing features that improve Integr8tor\’s quality
reporting are its recognition of even more edg

connector and SMD pad shapes; a new
algorithm that improves the calculation of spacing between lines of the same net; and a
new “auto

snap” feature that improves annular ring analysis by automatically placing
plated drill holes in the centre of the coppe
r pads. It also now flags overlapping holes
within drill sequences. Furthermore, the QED XML files now enable technologies and
capability classes to be identified quickly and easily, together with their critical parameter
values, and now it\’s also possible
to tailor which checks are run by Integr8tor.
Not least, Integr8tor 2015.06 offers even more support for the powerful Gerber X2 format
Product:Ucamco_Integr8tor v2015.09 for win64
Size:678 MB