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ixCube v4.10

Structural Analysis

ixCube 4-10 Structural Analysis is based on a non-linear FEA kernel accurate and relaiable.

Our FEM engine is second to None and not only for membrane structures but also for conventional steel,concrete and wood buildings. No limits in the size of the model or in the number of loads that can be input. The solver can work with in-core memory and for oversized models swaps automatically to out-core memory (Hard Disk).

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FEM library :

2 node membrane link ( special element for membrane FDM meshes) : only tension
2 node cable : only tension – non-linear
2 node truss ( pin jointed element ) : tension ,compression – linear and non-linear
2 node gap : only compression – non-linear
2 node beam element : linear & non-linear behaviour , axial,shear,bending stiffness (Reissner-Timoshenko theory)
3-4 node membrane element : in plane stress element – linear and non-linear
3-4 node plate shell element : plane stress & bending stiffness (Reissner-Mindlin theory) – linear and nonlinea
Product:ixCube v4.10
Size:178 MB