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Altium Designer 15.0.15

Version 15.0.15
Build: 41991 Date:16 March 2015
4720 Releasing a managed project to Altium Vault for a second time no longer reports a
Release.Log error.
5205 Resolved issue where changes made to an Output Job from the Configuration Manager are not
saved (BC:5258).
4999 Intermediate files no longer be removed during synthesis.
5111 Improved stability of Allegro importer when working with large designs.
5257 Resolved issue where running an FSO on pins from multiple parts results in none being
5258 Resolved issue when deleting multiple sub parts of a component in the schematic library
editor, the selected components aren\’t always the ones that are deleted (BC:4768).
5260 Special strings with parameters containing \”-\” or \”.\” symbols are now processed properly.
5262 Re-annotate works properly now for components initially placed on the PCB.
5264 A proper DuplicateID warning is shown for cases when repeat sheet symbols are used.
5410 Resolved an issue with saving menu customizations between sessions (BC:4957, BC:5299).
Product:Altium Designer 15.0.15