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Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTSeries 3)

Features of CivilStorm
Three interoperable interfaces: Stand-alone, MicroStation, and AutoCAD

CivilStorm can run on one of three platforms: Stand-alone, MicroStation, or AutoCAD. Out of the box, CivilStorm users can work within stand-alone and MicroStation platforms, while AutoCAD integration is available as an optional addition. Regardless of the platform used, CivilStorm maintains a single set of modeling files for true interoperability across platforms. CivilStorm’s stand-alone, MicroStation, and AutoCAD platforms offer unique platform freedom and versatility.

The stand-alone platform offers easy-to-use model layout tools, multiple background support, conversion utilities from CAD, GIS, and databases, and unlimited undo and redo layout in stand-alone Windows applications (no additional CAD or GIS software required when running in Stand-Alone).

The MicroStation platform, provides a geospatial and engineering design environment with unrivaled visualization and publishing tools. All CivilStorm versions can run from the MicroStation platform, meaning they can run \’inside\’ MicroStation (MicroStation license required).

AutoCAD users can purchase the optional AutoCAD platform integration, enabling them to build, lay out, and plot models with engineering precision within the AutoCAD environment they are already comfortable with (AutoCAD license required).

You can also customize and extend CivilStorm using the WaterObjects.NET application programming interface.

Layout, Model Building, and Data Management

The CivilStorm graphical user interface provides maximum flexibility and the best user experience. The workspace can be customized by dragging and resizing windows, or by docking them to the main display. You can also define and save a named view, so that you can quickly and easily return to that same area of interest at any time.

Layout, model building and data management tools include:

Stand-alone Windows interface
AutoCAD-based interface
MicroStation-based interface
Unlimited undo and redo
Element morphing, splitting, and reconnection
Automatic element labeling
Scaled, schematic, and hybrid environments
Scaled catchment and gutter elements
Element prototypes
Aerial view and dynamic zooming
Named views library
Multiple background-layer support
Image, CAD, and GIS background support
ModelBuilder module
Active topology (activate or deactivate network elements)
Tabular reports with global editing
Sorting and persistent filtering on tabular reports
Customizable engineering libraries
Dynamic (query based) and static selection sets
Element selection by polygon
Element selection inversion
Table opening on selection
Global engineering-units management
Drawing review tools for connectivity consistency
Automatic topology review
Drawing navigator
Orphaned node and dead-end pipe queries
Hyperlink for network elements to store photos, relevant documents, web links, or other files
User-data extension
Support of ProjectWise and Bentley Geospatial Management
Dynamic (query-based) selection sets
Support for external tools
Product:Bentley CivilStorm V8i (SELECTSeries 3)