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Bentley Power GEOPAK V8i.

Civil Engineering Road Design and Transportation Infrastructure Design Software

Bentley’s Power GEOPAK is proven civil engineering road design software that works the way you want with the power you need to complete your transportation infrastructure projects. It provides complete CAD drafting capabilities, powerful mapping tools, and design automation for civil engineering professionals. Power GEOPAK features an innovative road design approach using constraint-driven, 3D parametric modeling in a total-project context.
The Bentley local government solution spans the entire range of technical applications to register land and infrastructure in a GIS, and it addresses the engineering needs of public works departments and municipal utilities. This solution also encompasses state-of-the art solutions for road and transit infrastructure design and operation.

Bentley’s local partners and Professional Services add country-specific functionality to Bentley’s core GIS desktop, server and web products to make them fully compliant with local legislation and standards. Based on the open standards defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), Bentley’s GIS environment provides an excellent foundation to fully support all typical municipal infrastructure engineering and GIS activities. In particular, Bentley is a leader in delivering technology to support the creation and managment of intelligent 3D City models.

The local government solution increases your efficiency, improves data and information exchange throughout the organization, and between your organization and the public.

Bentley’s local government solution scales from a single department to city- or county-wide deployments. Bentley also offers an advantageous way to acquire and maintain software assets through the Enterprise License Subscription for Municipalities which allows a local government unlimited access to all of Bentley’s software for a fixed annual fee.
Product:Bentley Power GEOPAK V8i.