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Petroleum Experts IPM v8.0

PVT Modeling

Improved CO2 modelling
Viscosity models in EOS can be changed
Multiphase Flash
Hydrate modelling with salts

Well Modeling

CBM well modelling
Well modelling with Sucker Rod Pumps
VLPs can be scheduled to change
Flow assurance related results in the VLPs
New IPR method (per phase)

Pump/Compressor Modelling

Setting option to report violated/limiting constraints when running with no optimisation
Compressor results expanded
Option to model different compressor stages on the same shaft

Program Interface

New plotting display
Running script for solve network
Sinks/Sources working on mass
Inline separator having fixed pressure
LNG element available.


PROSPER Version 12.0 – Enhancements Implemented:

PVT Modeling

Improved CO2 modeling
The density of CO2 has been corrected for use within an EoS. The correction is done by adjusting the volume shift of CO2.
This has the advantage of not limiting the methodology to the pure component.
The thermal properties have also been adjusted to give a much more accurate value over the pressure and temperature ranges encountered in normal application.
Hydrate calculations have been updated to include a comprehensive set of calculations based on the Hydrafact modified cubic and CPA models.
Calculations can be carried out with a mixture of salts and/or a mixture of inhibitors such as DEG, TEG Methanol etc.
Multiphase flashing is being added to IPM to allow water to be modelled within the EoS. Models will include:
Soreide and Whitson
Modified Cubic
SRK plus Huron Vidal
Viscosity Modelling – Viscosity can be modelled separately for gas and oil. Each can be separately regressed within PVTp and used within PROSPER.

Artificial Lift

The gas flow in the annulus is now modelled with either casing head pressure or liquid level being calculated.
New gas separator models have been added which vary the gas separation efficiency with respect to liquid rate.
The change in temperature of the fluid caused by the Pump and the Motor are now included.
Tapered ESPs can now be specified in a system to model stages of different pumps being placed in series.
The gas flow in the annulus is now modelled with either casing head pressure or liquid level being calculated.
New gas separator models have been added which vary the gas separation efficiency with respect to liquid rate.
The change in temperature of the fluid caused by the Pump and the Motor are now included.
Gas Lifted Oil Wells
When carrying out a gas lift design (to find valve depths) sensitivity studies can now be carried out on certain variables to see their impact on the valve depths and properties calculated.
Diluent Injection
Water Injection can now be modelled with the injected water having a different salinity to the produced water.
Simultaneous water and gas injection at different depths can now be modelled.
ESP VLP/IPR matching
The VLP/IPR matching for ESP allows to enter the pump intake and discharge pressures as inputs. These data can then be passed over to the Quicklook for detailed analysis of the pump performance
Gas Lift for Gas Wells
Continuous Gas Lift can now be modelled in gas and retrograde condensate wells.


New Sensitivity Variables added
Multi-layer dP Model
Liquid Level (for ESP/PCP)
Diluent Salinity
Diluent Gas Injection Depth
Diluent GLR Injected
Number of Sensitivity variables rationalised
Rather than having different types of VLP and SYSTEM calculations for each different number of variables (3,4 or multi-variable) there is now one calculation screen and the number of variables used can be selected by the user.
Rates used for SYSTEM and VLP Calculations
To up 50 rates can be used for the generation of VLP curves and in the SYSTEM calculation screen.
Solids Plot
Critical Transport velocities plot is now available after running any calculation by accessing the Options button
Product:Petroleum Experts IPM v8.0