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The new CityEngine 2010.3 introduces important new features for the conceptual design stage, efficient urban environment creation and rule-based 2D-to-3D-conversion of GIS data.

The key highlights include enhancements such as direct export to e-on software’s Vue, new tools for massing and urban design, long-awaited terrain editing and exporting functionalities, and improved OpenStreetMap import. In addition, a new example project featuring a medieval town is available for download. The key highlights are described below and a complete change set can be found in the Release Notes.
3D Export to e-on software\’s Vue

Cities generated in CityEngine can now be exported directly to e-on software\’s Vue, the leading digital nature solution, using the .VOB file format. Inside Vue, the cities can then be surrounded by natural 3D landscapes complete with vegetation, skies and terrains.
New CGA Operations for Mass Modeling and Urban Design

CityEngine 2010.3 introduces practical and easy-to-use CGA operations for the rule-based generation of parcel layouts and building mass models. The operations can be used e.g. for the visualization and analysis of zoning laws as well as for the simple creation of complex and detailed building structures:

Cardinal direction selectors: world.north, object.front etc allow for simple semantic direction selection without complex pivot-scope-angle calculations.
Setback operation: Very powerful operation that allows to offset an arbitrary polygon along a subset of its sides, e.g. along the street side or along the north side.
L/O/U-shape operations: Smart parametric operations to create the popular L-, O-, U-shaped forms often used by architects and urban planners.
Scatter operation: Practical operation to for the controlled distribution of a number of elements along a surface or in a volume.
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