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Mentor Graphics LP Wizard v10.1.1

LP Wizard Suite is a complete set of tools to build and manage your CAD library and documentation using proven technology from IPC. LP Suite is the only CAD library generation tool that is officially approved by IPC to match the IPC-7351 standard. A full featured 30-day evaluation version is available by web registration. CAD tools supported include Allegro, Altium, Board Station, CADSTAR, CR-5000, Eagle, Expedition Enterprise, McCAD, OrCAD Layout, OrCAD PCB Editor, PADS Layout, P-CAD, Pantheon, Pulsonix , Ultiboard.
Build Library Parts Quickly and Easily

Flexible template based component families make it incredibly easy to build accurate lead-free ROHS CAD library parts. Starter library comes with 10,000 different component packages including 5,000 connectors in a CAD neutral format that can be easily translated to your personal CAD tool. Build 1 or 10,000 parts at a time. Auto-generate accurate land patterns from component dimensions and simultaneously create CAD library parts and comprehensive library documentation with a single mouse click.
product:Mentor Graphics LP Wizard v10.1.1
Size:312 MB