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Synopsys VCS vD 2010.06

VCS®, with multicore technology, delivers a 2x verification speed-up that helps users find design bugs early in the product development cycle. VCS multicore technology cuts down verification time by running the design, testbench, assertions, coverage and debug in parallel on machines with multiple cores. The combination of performance; advanced bug-finding technologies; Echo testbench coverage convergence for faster closure; a built-in debug and visualization environment; support for all popular design and verification languages including Verilog, VHDL, SystemVerilog, OpenVera, and SystemC™ and the proven VMM methodology help VCS users develop high-quality designs. The VCS solution’s advanced bug-finding technologies include full-featured Native Testbench (NTB), complete assertions and comprehensive code and functional coverage to find more design bugs faster and easier. Additionally, the VCS Verification Library provides high-quality VIP for today’s most popular bus standards. The VCS solution’s powerful debug and visualization environment minimizes the turnaround time to find and fix design bugs. VCS with MVSIM and MVRC delivers innovative voltageaware verification techniques to find bugs related to modern low power designs.
product:Synopsys VCS vD 2010.06
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