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Paradigm Geolog v6.7.1

Paradigm’s Geolog product suite provides advanced petrophysical analysis tools, superior presentation graphics, flexible modularity combined with an easy-to-use environment, well data management, and geological interpretation. Geolog 6.7, the latest release of the product suite, focuses on four key areas of new development:

Support for the generalist and geologist
Improved usability through a newly designed user interface and new workflows
Creation of the foundation elements for 3D petrophysics
Development of new tools and analysis techniques


Improved Accuracy
Use the vast array of petrophysical analysis functionality, superior graphics and robust data integration to ensure all available data is analyzed and decisions are made with the greatest confidence

Fast Answers
Geolog handles the entire workflow from data loading, log editing, and analysis to presentation and reporting in one integrated environment that eliminates the need to use separate applications for each task.

Ease of Use
Consistent, easy to use interfaces offer short learning curves and lowered training costs, helping you create the industry\’s standard for petrophysical analysis. Geolog’s modular design provides a flexible environment that is customizable to suit the needs of novices without sacrificing the application depth and breadth needed by expert users.

Improved Success
Retain your competitive edge by applying the incorporation of user-defined algorithms for inputting your proprietary knowledge into Geolog.
Product:Paradigm Geolog v6.7.1
Size:315 MB